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Topics and Cultural Keywords - ABC List

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. Saga no take 嵯峨の竹 bamboo from Saga .

Saints, Christian and Others.

Sakazuki - sake cup

. sakaya 酒屋 sake shop, liquor shop .

Sake and Santoka / Ricewine - Reiswein
. - - - - - sake 酒 and Yosa Buson .

Sake flask (tokkuri)

. sakubei 索餅 Sakubei noodles .

. Sakura asa, sakura-asa 桜麻 "cherry-blossom hemp" .

Sanbaso dancer (Sanbasoo)

Sand (suna)

sandara, sandarabooshi 桟俵 / 桟俵法師 lid on a straw bundle

sanson - three haikai poet treasures

. saru 猿 monkey - and usagi, rabbit .

. saru hiki , saruhiki 猿引 monkey trainer .

. sarabachi 皿鉢 plates and bowls .

. sasamegoto ささめごと "murmered conversations" by lovers .   

. sashinuki 指貫 / さしぬき simple form of hakama trousers .

. satoranu さとらぬ no enlightenment, unenlightened .  - satori

. sato 里, satobito 里人 village, villagers .
- - - - - and furusato . furusato 故郷 故里 my homeland .

Saucer for Japanese tea cups (chataku)

Samurai 侍, bushi, buke, warrior, warriour. Japan. ashigaru, light food soldiers

Sea, Ocean (umi)

Seaweed (kaisoo)

Secret Buddha Statues, hibutsu, kaichoo, kakebotoke

. sekimori 関守 checkpoint warden .

. Sensei, 先生  a haiku teacher .

. sekkoo to nomi 石工 - 鑿 stone mason and chisel .

. semigoromo, semi-goromo 蝉衣 thin "cicada robe" for summer .

sendoo - boatman, boatsman

. senja 撰者 judge, selector of poems, editor .

. senkoo 線香 incense, incense sticks, incense holders and more .

. senshin 洗心 cleansing the heart / mind .

. sentoo 銭湯 public bathhouse . - and a fish peddler 魚屋 uoya

. seppuku 切腹 ritual suicide .

setchin - toiled, outhouse

Shadows (kage)

. shakan, sakan 左官 plasterer, stucco master .

Shamisen 三味線 (musical instrument)

shamoji, shakushi - ladle for rice, rice spoon

shibui 渋い / shibusa 渋さ subdued elegance
..... wabi sabi 侘び 寂び

Sheep (hitsuji)

. shichiya 質屋 pawnshop .

shigi - snipe

shika - deer, kanoko - fawn

. shikishi 色紙 decoration card with poem .

Ships and boats, fune

shirauo, shira-uo - whitebait fish

. shiro 城 castle .

shichiya, o-shichiya お七夜 the seventh night (day) after a baby was born.
- お七夜の空荒れ通す城下町

. Shiokumi 汐汲人形 "Salt-scooping girl" .

shisoku 紙燭 torch lamp with paper shade
. Lanterns and lamps in Edo .

. shiwade 皺手 wrinkled hand, wrinkled hands .

. shizu 賎 person of low standing - Eta and Burakumin .

. shoe, shoes 靴 kutsu - sandals (zoori, waraji) and clogs (geta) .

Shojo (Shoojoo) a heavy drinker

. shosha 樵者 woodcutters and gyosha 漁者 fishermen .

- - - - - . Shrines and Temples .
Shrine (jinja, miya, guu), Shinto Shrine

Silence ... Silence ...

Six - Roku Jizō 六地蔵 Roku Jizo, Six Jizo Statues

Sky (sora 空, ten 天)

. sleep, sleeping - in many situations - schlafen .
marune まる寝 a good "round" sleep
tabine  旅ね寝 sleeping on the road
wabine 侘寝 to sleep alone, to spend a lonely night

Smell and Fragrance, Aroma

Smoke (kemuri)

Snacks with Tea (cha no ko)

Soga Brothers, Soga story of revenge

Sommelier (somurie) , the wine steward and food steward in Japan

. - soo, sō 僧 Monk, Priest - .

soozu, sôzu 僧都 sozu, high priest in charge of a Buddhist nunnery

. sotoba 卒塔婆 grave marker .

Soul, spirit (tamashii)

Sound of water, mizu no oto

Spaghetti, Spagetti, spaghetto, spagette

Spices and condiments (yakumi)

Spine, back (sesuji)

Spring roll (harumaki) and samosas

Stamp, postal stamp, stamps (kitte)

. star, stars in the sky 星 hoshi .

. Starflower - Trientalis europaea .

Station lunch box (ekiben)

Stimulation .. through coffee

Stomach (hara)

Stone (ishi) Rock (iwa)

Stone Buddha (ishibutsu, sekibutsu, ishibotoke)

Stone cliff Buddhas (magaibutsu)

Stone lantern (ishidooroo)

Stone wall, stonewall (ishigaki)

Storehouse (kura) , warehouse

Straw bag (kamasu)

sudare, blinds, bamboo blinds

Sugar (satoo)

. Suiko jidai 推古 time of Empress Suiko (554 - 628).

. suisha 水車 waterwheel, watermill .

. sumi 炭 charcoal .
- and - sumiuri, sumi-uri 炭売り charcoal vendor

. sumoo 相撲 Sumo wrestling .

Sun (taiyoo, o-hisama)

Sunset (nichibotsu, yuuhi, hi no iri)

. Sunstone and the Vikings .

Sushi, dishes with sushi rice

Sutra, sutras, Buddhist scriptures (o-Kyo)

. suzuri 硯 ink stone .

Sweet potato dumplings (imo dango)

- - - - - Sweets, Haiku Sweets (haika 俳菓) - - - - -


. Persons, Personal Names - ABC List .

. Place Names - Utamakura - ABC List .



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