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Topics and Cultural Keywords - ABC List

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. kabuto 甲 helmet of a samurai .

. kadomatsu 門松 pines at the gate .

. kagami 鏡 mirror .

kago - palanquin, sedan chair

. kaisan 開山 temple founder and 開山堂 hall .

Kaiseki . Japanese Food for the Seasons

. kakekoo かけ香 hanging fragrance bag .

. kaki, kakine  垣根 hedge, fence .
kakoi 囲い, saku さく. hei 塀 - garden wall

. kama 鎌 sickle to cut rice .

. - kami 神 japanese Shinto deities - . - and Matsuo Basho

. kamidana 神棚 household Shinto altar, "shelf for the Gods" .

. kamigaki 神垣 "Fence of the Gods", fence of a Shinto shrine .

. kamiko 紙子  paper robes .

. kami no kao 一言主 face of the deity Hitokotonushi.

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 .

. kannushi 神主 Shinto priest .   

. kane 鐘 temple bell .

kanreki, manroku - 60th birthday

. kaoo, kaō 花押 Kao official signature .

. kapitan カピタン Kapitein, Captain, Dutch Delegation .

. karakuri ningyoo からくり人形 mechanical dolls .

. karakusa 唐草 / からくさ Karakusa art motives .

Karma - - fate, a Buddhist concept
tashoo no en 他生の縁 karma relations

karuta - card games and other games

. karakoromo から衣 robes from China .

. kariginu 狩衣 hunters gear, hunters robes .

. karo toosen 夏炉冬扇 to be useless -- like a stove in summer, a handfan in winter

. kasa 傘 umbrella, paper umbrella, karakasa .

. kasa 笠 hat, traveller's hat, straw hat .

kasugai 鎹 / かすがい clamp, cramp, cleat, staple

. katabira 帷子 light linen dress .

. katsuo uri 鰹売 vendor of skipjack, bonito fish monger .

. kawa 川 river, rivers .

. kawara 瓦 / かわら roof tiles .

. kazarinawa 飾縄 rope decoration for New Year .

. kesa 袈裟 kasaya monk's robe .

. keshizumi 消炭 (けしずみ) ash to extinguishing the fire .

Kettle, tea kettle, water kettle, chagama, tetsubin

- - - - - Kigo (and haiku) as Topics for Haiku !
- - - - - . - - kigo and kidai 季語(季題)- - .

. - - kire 切れ and kireji 切字 - - cut and cut markers - .

Kimigayo, kimi ga yo 君が代 the Japanese Anthem

kimono and other robes

. kindachi 公達(きんだち)nanshoku、danshoku 男色 homosexuality .

. kinu, koromo きぬ -  衣 scented kimono .

. kinuta 砧 fulling block .

kiseru - tobacco pipe in the Edo period

. kitsune 狐 fox and Fox Deity (Inari 稲荷) .

Knife, knives (hoochoo, waboochoo, wabocho)

Koan, educational story in Zen Buddhism

. Kobayashi Issa and Cultural Keywords .

. kobiki uta 木挽唄 song of the timber cutters .

kobiru, ko-biru "littel lunch" snack

. koie, ko ie, ko-ie 小家 small house / oya 小屋 .

kojiki, konjiki - beggar

. Kojiki 古事記 "Records of Ancient Times" .

Kokeshi こけし wooden dolls

. koma 駒 - uma 馬 - Japanese horses .

. Komabune 高麗舟 Korean Ship - (Koorai 高麗 Korea) .

. kometsuki 米搗き professional rice grain pounder .

. komorido 籠人 / 籠り人 person in retreat .

. koo 香 incence, kakekoo かけ香 .

. koogoo 香合 Kogo, incense container .

koozui, flood, flooding

. koshi no wata 腰の綿, 腰綿 "cotton wrapper around my hips" .

. kosode 小袖 short-sleeved kimono .

. kotatsu 火燵 heated table for winter .

. koto 琴  Koto zither .  - kotobako 琴箱 box for a koto

. Kumasaka 熊坂 a Noh play - Noo 能 Noh-Performance .

. kunchi, kunichi 九日 - okunichi (おくにち) "Honorable Day with a Nine" .

. kura 蔵 storehouse, warehouse .

. kuri 庫裏 temple kitchen .

. kusamakura, kusa makura 草枕 pillow stuffed with grass .

kusa - weeds, small plants - mugura cleavers
. kushi くし - 櫛 comb, hairpins .

. Kutsuki bon 朽木盆 tray from the Kutsuki region - Tray, trays 盆 bon .

. kyara 伽羅 special wood for incense .

. kyooku 狂句 Kyoku - comic verse, crazy verse .


. Persons, Personal Names - ABC List .

. Place Names - Utamakura - ABC List .

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